miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Rereading The Great Gatsby?

Why read a book you have already read? I guess it is because the first time someone reads a book it pays no attention to it. For example, when I read a chapter I have to reread it about two more times because the first time I never get the enough information. The first time you pass over the lines of the book as if they where useless  information from the book, you only care about the outline of the story, without caring what the insight of it is. The second time, You get more out of it, You get to read more about things like why did Gatsby died? instead of only knowing Gatsby fell in love with Daisy. The Third time you get almost all of it, so instead of only knowing Gatsby died because he killed someone's wife with his car, you get to know that Gatsby killed Myrtle Wilson, wife of George Wilson that was the owner of a Run- out auto shop on his garage on the Valley of ashes, that afterwards took revenge against Gatsby by shooting him. 

Sonya Chung, Author of the article The Great Gatsby Revisited, has reread this book about three times in her entire life time and she says that rereading a book its important and that "It’s like I’m a born-again rereader, experiencing a new how a first read can be as different from a second read or a third read as reading two completely different works."

 It is very important to reread books, because you get to notice thing such as the different symbols and in depth story inside a literary piece. Chung for example discovered 5 new aspects about The Great Gatsby, that she had never noticed before, until she had read it for the third time. This Five main aspects are:

1. How the Great Gatsby is not a novel about the north East Elite, I agree with her because personally I think that the high class Elite, was represented by the Green Light that Gatsby wanted to obtain or wanted to get to. She says how the book is about us and not the rich people over there, that may mean that it is about the people that don't have all the luxuries those people had but stand on the other side looking at their green light, hoping someday we will get there. 

2. Ching notice how Fitzgerald used his sentences to capture the reader's attention more and more, by making them profound and with meaning. Not the simple phrase of Gatsby loved Daisy, but using mire romantic ones like for example when it talks about their love when they lived on the camp site, when he was a soldier and she was just a normal girl. I think this is right, because Fitzgerald, when read carefully, gives the reader a total new experience of how this two people really related.

3. She also talks about the importance of something as simple of Daisy's voice on the story and how this relates to her relationship with Gatsby. When someone reads this book one time, he or she can only get he loved her voice, read it twice and you get how he was in love with her voice because it was like the one of a goddess, but when read a third time you may encounter how Gatsby was totally in love with her voice because it was like the sound of something like a "arrangement of notes that will never be played again". You may notice the significance has totally changed when read various times. 

4. Chung also remarks how Fitzgerald exploits the significance of the car with many meanings such as "Who’s driving which car and why convincingly fuels (literally) Gatsby’s inevitable demise, Tom and Daisy’s flight, and Nick’s final revulsion towards the excesses of Eastern privilege.".

5. She finally makes a remark on the characters on the movie of this book. She talks about how, after rereading the book, she noticed that the cast of the movie was nothing like the real characters presented on The Great Gatsby, because rereading gave her a more profound look at the characters insight, appearance and personality.

Rereading a book is really important for the better understanding of a piece of literature such as The Great Gatsby because with this tool we can really get to analyze and enjoy the true meanings of books like this one.


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